Poetry for Wyomie

Spirit Horse        
By Carolee Carpenter Jendreau

Spirit Horse

Represents your true inate power within                     

You know that is there~

You can feel it                      

But, like many horses, your wildness may have been Gentled...   

or Worse...Broke ...it is time to reclaim               

Your own power and move to reclaim your own power and                     

 move forward with Purpose and Intent balance by the

Desire to serve others and the ability to Love from a larger                                     HEART......

From Ellie Cyrce

Hello, Here is an email from Eleanor, What wonderful feeling and poems that Ellie wrote. I would like to have them on the website so people can feel what Ellis has so beautifully wrote from her heart and soul. For those of us who know Ellis, know that she is a special flower in life and a ray of sunlight when you are around her. Wyomie has bought a lot of wonderful people into my life and I am so blessed to have you all here to be with me when we let Wyomie have her life back...free....Love Diane

Hi Dianne and Libby,  Here are the poems and the writing you ask me to send you Diane.  Please feel free to omit anything that wouldn't be helpful of the introduction I wrote and in the poems.  I'd like to know what day Wyomie will be let out?  The website is great.  Wow, I loved reading it.  bye, Happy Days.

Hi, my name Eleanor Cyrce.  I wanted to play with Wyomie and see what she and I could share.  I wanted to learn some things from her about playing with people and animals and working with horses therapeutically.     I am a play specialist and a therapist.  

I have never owned a horse.  I love the way they smell and move around and how I feel around them, and I know what their cranial and other anatomical structures are like, that's about all I know about horses.  I had a lot of experiences with Wyomie in short periods of time.  She helped refine my sensitivities in play. 

She showed me how each move and tone of her body meant something that I needed to take notice of if we were to get any closer and from this I learned that no abuse  can be covered over and ignored.  She helped imprint more deeply in my heart many things, like a horse is a being filled with feelings, loves and experiences just like people.

Something special happened when I was working with Wyomie, she began to help me while I was helping her. I had heard that animals help people in ways, but this was my first direct and obvious experience for me. After I came home from being with Wyomie, I wanted to go right away and play with wild mustangs and work more with horses. 

I wrote these poems about Wyomie as a way to express the appreciation I was feeling for my experiences.

A prayer for Wyomie

Wyomie, Wyomie never again will someone be near who will hurt you. Let's be together.

Wyomie, Wyomie always be together with you, with Diane, Cole, Ramona with whoever and wherever you are.

Wyomie Wyomie always be with yourself, with whoever is near who is kind, so you can have help to free yourself from the pain and abuse, our human world gave you.

Dear Wyomie,

I want to go where the wild horses are.  You too? I want to run and run with you till I fall down tired. I want to smell you over and over till your wild smell is  imbedded in my nostril's memory forever.  I want to dance with you forward and backward come close and go away, back and forth in the free wild world you came from; where you wild horses live.

A wild horse, running free with it's warm buddies in the wind and rain. Sleeping together, never alone, herds. Here from the wild, every cell of their warm bodies and hearts, wild wild, free, love.. I am with Wyomie now, wild Wyomie rounded up pinned, abused, rescued by Diane's heart now no abuse and fenced with love.

Months later: Wyomie the essence of who you are has exploded into the hearts of those all around you and into freedom. The fence of love has now grown to be 10,000 acres of wild! Thank you for touching my heart, I love you

WYOMIE IS FREE I hear Wyomie will be free! Wyomie is going home! My heart relaxes and opens up to myself more, my eyes feel softer This world has become more beautiful this moment, more real. Wyomie's feelings matter, All hearts matter, all feelings matter, people and  horse, dog, and frog and on and on.

Beings who have been through what Wyomie had to go through know this. Wyomie, you may never be touched again by a human again, so your cells will never be reminded again as strongly of the blows and pains that humans gave you. You may not ever have to look at a human again if it hurts you to. 

You get to go home, to run free and feel your heart, your body and your soul touched all day and night with the wild again, your real world.

 Run Wyomie Run, Play Wyomie Play. An abused being is free, and she is my friend, Wyomie I feel tears, I feel laughter, I feel like me and all the world just won something great, the greatest prize in the world, an abuse is being turned around into love and freedom.

This is all I know to want.  I hope every time a being of any kind gets free the chances for all abused beings to go home gets greater and greater. Thank you Wyomie, Diane, Cole, Libby, and Jacqui
